'Seek to understand first, before being understood.' – Steven Covey Active Listening allows you and other individuals to engage in a dialogue where you are both equipped with clarity and understanding of the purpose, content & outcome of the discussion.
It is an empowering and important skill in leading and managing diverse teams. 1. Look at the individual, stop the other things you are doing and remove distractions. 2. Listen not only to the words, but pay attention to the tone and emotions of the individual. 3. Be attentive to what the individual is talking about. 4. Restate what the person said in your own words to ensure complete understanding. 5. Be patient. 6. Respect the silence needed. 7. Respect the pauses and let the individual finish speaking. 8. Ask meaningful and clarifying questions. 9. Be aware of your own emotions and opinions. 10.If you wish to offer your own opinion, only do this after you have listened. If you think you could improve your active listening, let us know. Our Integral Leadership Development Program (IGLD) includes reflections, practice, and tips. Comments are closed.
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