Nothing is wrong with you. You are human.
And you're having a human experience, with lots of human experiences where perhaps we are not happy, we feel hurt, surprised, disappointed, relieved, stressed, joyful... all of these feelings that go along with being human. While I think it can be sometimes be helpful to raise awareness of why someone does something, as you perhaps are doing right now, but more importantly look at what, if anything, do you want to do about it? Or can you just be with the feeling and let it pass as it always does and always will? So often we feel that we have to 'do' something with everything we are feeling and experiencing . We tell ourselves, we have to 'do' this or that, our cultures tell us to 'do' this as those who 'do' are rewarded...... We feel if the questions arise, we must find an answer and do something to answer the question. This is how our brain works: identify a problem, do something and solve it. Our brain is wired to find meaning. But we can change what this meaning should be. I have challenged myself with just being with thoughts, emotions, doubts and questions so often over the last few months. I most certainly still have lots of feelings, but I am becoming more comfortable with letting them just be there. And then I let them let go. And let them come and go. We are human beings. Not human doings. What would happen if we changed the question from : What do I need to do? to How do I need to be? Comments are closed.
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