Using the valid EQ-I 2.0, gain insights on how you perceive and express yourself, develop and maintain social relationships and use emotional information.
Provides a detailed debrief report to identify individual and team emotional intelligence strengths and areas for development. Available as well as a 360-development tool. Designed to evaluate individual or group intercultural competence based on research to pinpoint the developmental capacity of teams to bridge culture gaps.
Essential tool for teams and organizations to become more culturally intelligence. Diagnostic tool to identify preferred approaches to resolving conflicts in global environments.
Categorizes conflict resolution into twelve distinct patterns and four major categories. By understanding conflict styles, individuals will improve communication, interactions and resolution in dealing with conflict. Tool to gauge communication, interaction and problem-solving preferences.
Results in understanding communication styles, improving social interaction and trust building within global teams. Tool to measure and improve competency in managing cross-cultural interactions and relationships in a global context.
Provides detailed, personalized feedback to identify strengths and areas of development. Used to target learning and development plans focusing on enhancing cultural intelligence. Assessment tool to address the ability to adapt to a new culture.
Designed to respond to practical concerns that are often found in intercultural environments. Increases self-awareness around skills and plan to improve interactions with people from other cultures. 1:1 Culture Coach provides a road map for achieving your global leadership and global team goals.
Action-oriented goal planning, based in the present and the future. Coaching delivered by ICF-certified coaches. Provides a debrief of assessment tools completed by a 3rd party, but not yet debriefed.
Clarify assessment results, assessing personal strengths and development areas. Coaching Debrief completed by qualified, certified ICF coaches. |