Roland Müller
- 25+ years experience working in and with global organizations, including an expatriate assignment in the USA
- Focus on Organizational Development, Cultural Due Diligence and Intercultural Communication & Competence
- Master's Degree in Educational Leadership / Bildungsmanagement
- Degree in Mechanical Engineering & Supply Engineering
- Adjunct Professor at the University of Tübingen & University of Educational Sciences, Ludwigsburg, Germany
- NLP Practitioner & Master, DVNLP Certified
- Adult Education Certification
- Fluent in German & English
I found the personal experiences you told us about helpful. You are down to earth and practical, asking us what kind of situations we have encountered. |
Roland, you did a superb job on explaining all the material and all the added (extra) discussion was very relevant and extended the spectrum of information and made it enjoyable. |
Jamie Müller, ACC
- 20+ years experience in personal, organizational and leadership development for global organizations, governments and universities around the world
- Focus on global leadership, change management, intercultural communication, competence and adjustment
- Degree in German and International Relations
- Completed coursework MBA program, University of St. Thomas
- Adjunct Professor at the University of Tübingen
- Associate Certified Coach, ICF Certified
- Adult Education Certification
- Fluent in English (US American) & German
Thanks for the book and well wishes. My family is adjusting to life here. I hope my staff is as diligent in customer touch points as you certainly are. |
Mit Jamie Müller zusammenzuarbeiten macht sehr viel Freude. Sie verfügt über ein profundes Wissen subtiler Kulturunterschiede und möglicher Kommunikationsfallen. |