Many of today’s factors around doing business across borders require employees to be more flexible, to better manage the unexpected and to work at an increasing speed with advanced technology. The growth of globalization directly leads employees to interact, negotiate and work together with their counterparts in other countries,resenting an additional set of intercultural factors, as well as opportunities and challenges to master. Business Across Borders identifies these areas and provides practical tools and strategies to manage in this complex and ever-changing environment. Programs are customized to a specific country and/or region.
You will learn:
- To gain enhanced skills to effectively and efficiently communicate and do business across borders
- To develop an appreciation for the challenges of conducting business in a second language
- To understand how personal, national and corporate values affect the way we do business around the world
- To examine how we perceive ourselves in our own culture and how people from other cultures perceive us
Programs designed for:
- Managers, teams and employees working in a global environment
- New and experienced expatriates looking to increase intercultural business etiquette
- Business travelers working in various cultural environments
Meine Erwartungen wurden absolut übertroffen! Super tipps, wunderbare Trainerin. Hat mich sehr viel weitergebracht. Jamie war sehr gut vorbereitet und hat Ahnung von was sie spricht. Das Seminar war spitze.Sie gibt eine vielfältige Rückmeldung und praktische Tipps.
'Sie ist sehr offen, interessiert und fröhlich. Sie schafft in kurzer Zeit einen angenehmes lernatmösphare.'
I especially liked Roland – he is easy to talk to and explained answers in an everyday experience manner.'
I have been to many cultural training sessions and to be honest this was the best cultural training that I have been to. I really liked the approach and the atmosphere and I found Jamie to be very knowledgeable and conscientious.'