WOW. Week Eight. Here it is. Week Eight is the rest of your life.
This week’s chapter is such a wonderful summary of all of the weeks. As such, I’ve chosen to include some of the most meaningful passages for me in this chapter: Mindfulness practice does not compel us to let go of Doing, but it does give us a choice, and the skills to do so if we so choose. There is an excellent (and short) review of all the week’s practices on pages 240-241. It serves as a reminder of this experience and how each week, each practice offered a different approach, a different way of being and in understanding doing. The doing mode of mind is not a mistake, nor is it an enemy to get rid of. What about you? How has this read-along experience been for you?
It seems interesting to see that I began this read-along with a blog post that ended with the quote below. And I’m ending this last read-along post with the same quote. It is so fitting for me today, for always. Be with things the way they are. Be well. To a wild, precious and wonderful life. Comments are closed.
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